Camp Fire Central Oregon | Light the Fire Within

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Find Your Spark in 2019!

There’s a whole lot of resolving going on right now! The new year is a natural time to restart, refocus and return to the things you’re passionate about. At Camp Fire we call those sparks. Everybody has sparks: the talents, interests, commitments… Read More >

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Reflecting on a Season of Service

  This year, we launched a “Season of Service” challenge for Bend teens to participate in weekly volunteer projects throughout November and December. From prepping meals at Family Kitchen, to sorting toys at the Salvation Army, it has been so… Read More >

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Promise to Practice

Back in November, three of our staff members joined up with members from Camp Fire councils nationwide at the Promise to Practice Roadshow held in Ft. Worth, Texas. The workshop focused on groundbreaking research being conducted by the Search Institute… Read More >

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Meet Our Amazing Staff – Cece Valceschini

For our winter spotlight, we want to shine a light on an amazing staff member who has served Camp Fire for over 30 years: Cece. For many in our community, when they think “Camp Fire,” they think “Cece!” Cece directs… Read More >

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We promise: It Begins NOW

The very last part of our Camp Fire promise is that it happens now. We want young people to shape the world now. We want them to find their spark today. We want them to lift their voice in leadership roles CAMP… Read More >

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We promise to help young people discover who they are

The third part of the Camp Fire promise is to help young people discover who they are. That’s one reason Camp Fire is so adamant about diversity and inclusion. In order for young people to discover themselves, they need a… Read More >

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We promise to help young people lift their voice

CAMP FLETCHER The second part of our Camp Fire promise is to help young people lift their voice. This is more than just learning to express their feelings or speak up for themselves and others. We promise to give kids… Read More >

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We promise to help young people find their spark

At Camp Fire, our promise drives everything we do, because young people drive everything we do. The very first thing we promise is to make kids’ passions our priority. We don’t ask what kids want to do when they grow… Read More >

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Make an Impact – Meet McKenzie

At Camp Fire, we’re constantly striving to make an impact, to make a difference in our community and in the lives of youth. And nothing’s better than when we see our youth making an impact themselves! We wanted to share… Read More >

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