Camp Fire Central Oregon | Light the Fire Within

Youth Voice Archive

Amy Lindholm: An Alumni Story

A Walk in the Woods Leads to a Life of Conservation Activism Amy Lindholm’s Camp Fire experiences took her on a career path she never could have imagined…one through the woods. An early encounter with a quiet forest trail eventually… Read More >

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It’s Not a Program, It’s a Practice

Graphic of cartoon youth

Youth Voice at Camp Fire Central Oregon   Living out your values is never easy. One of our core Camp Fire values is, “We honor the power of young people.” To us, honoring power means sharing power through significant youth participation… Read More >

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How Camp Fire Staff Build Youth-Driven Programs

Camp Fire is both for young people and created by young people. This isn’t just aspirational: Our commitment to youth voice is carried out in very practical ways by thousands of Camp Fire staff at the program level. Here are a few ways that Camp Fire… Read More >

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Camp Fire C.O. Teens Making our Community More Trans-Friendly

Life-long Camp Fire Central Oregon participants, Amelia Hartman-Warr and Kira Yun, are currently working to achieve their WorkHealthLove awards, the highest accomplishment in Camp Fire. Achieving this prestigious honor requires serious commitment, and a passion for and dedication to bettering… Read More >

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Young people want to shape the world – now

A recent survey by the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning & Engagement (CIRCLE) found “83 percent [of youth ages 18-24] say they believe young people have the power to change the country.”  That’s exactly what we want young people in… Read More >

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Teens On Fire Create Pop-Up Food Pantry

As Camp Fire Central Oregon’s teen service programs have grown over the past few years, we’ve seen these young people give back to our community in amazing and creative ways. This 2019-2020 school year was our first year running three… Read More >

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Five Ways You Can Promote Youth Voice

If you work with or support positive youth development organizations, you’ve probably heard the phrase “youth voice” before. If you’re new to Camp Fire or the PYD movement, you could be wondering what the shorthand means…besides the obvious. You’re right in thinking “youth… Read More >

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Teens Lead at Camp Fire

Camp Fire is founded on the belief that young people want to shape the world. Camp Fire doesn’t just sponsor programs for young people. It’s a platform for young people to create their own programs and engage with their communities, on their own terms.… Read More >

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Make an Impact – Meet McKenzie

At Camp Fire, we’re constantly striving to make an impact, to make a difference in our community and in the lives of youth. And nothing’s better than when we see our youth making an impact themselves! We wanted to share… Read More >

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