This year, we launched a “Season of Service” challenge for Bend teens to participate in weekly volunteer projects throughout November and December. From prepping meals at Family Kitchen, to sorting toys at the Salvation Army, it has been so inspiring to see middle schoolers and high schoolers showing up and working hard to make their community a better place.
At the same time, we’ve just closed out a stellar session of Teens In Action, our teen-led service club that designs and executes longer term community projects. Over 10 weeks of hard work, the group prepped, packaged and delivered 25 Halloween goodie bags to families at Bethlehem Inn and put on a holiday bingo night for residents of Aspen Ridge Memory Care.

Camp Fire teens are proof that youth are part of the solution to, and not the problem with, today’s social and environmental issues.
Never miss a volunteer opportunity! Click here to join our Teen Connects email list.
Click here to register for the next session of Teens In Action, starting January 9th.