Camp Fire Central Oregon | Light the Fire Within

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You Have to Center Joy: Understanding Thriving With Dr. Kia Darling-Hammond

We’ve been very lucky to partner with Dr. Kia Darling-Hammond, a leader in thriving research, as we re-envisioned Camp Fire’s definition of thriving. Dr. Darling-Hammond puts “overlooked and underserved” young people at the center of her work, an approach that… Read More >

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Snap! Camp Fire Central Oregon Calling for Professional Photographers

NONPROFIT SEEKING LOCAL PHOTOGRAPHERS TO DONATE TIME AND TALENT AT CAMP FIRE’S UPCOMING FALL PHOTO DAY FUNDRAISER. Camp Fire Central Oregon is seeking professional photographers to help with its upcoming Fall Photo Day Fundraiser. The event, slated to take place… Read More >

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Camp Fire Central Oregon Receives Sizeable Grants for Tech & Robotics Program

TWO GRANTORS AWARD A COMBINED $30,000 TO EXPAND NONPROFIT’S CURRENT YOUTH OFFERINGS. In today’s rapidly changing world, society needs children to explore, discover and think deeply so that they can be the innovators, developers and inventors who will solve the… Read More >

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3 Reasons We Need Afterschool Programs NOW

Out-of-school-time programs really matter in the day-to-day lives of families and young people. They are also a core strategy in Camp Fire’s mission to connect young people to the outdoors, to others and to themselves. We’ve written about our commitment… Read More >

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We’re Re-envisioning ‘Thriving’

Part of the work of being an alive, evolving organization is to revisit the big stuff regularly. If you don’t question why you exist, what your work is, and what you believe every so often, it’s easy to get stagnant.… Read More >

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Camp Fire’s Boundary-Breaking History

  In 1909, Charlotte Gulick held a small summer camp for her daughters, three of their close friends, and a young woman with disabilities. There was no way she could have known that that first camp would grow into a… Read More >

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Camp Fire Celebrates Young People of All Genders

In 2019, Camp Fire expanded our inclusion statement to get a lot more specific about all the ways young people might define themselves—and how we welcome, affirm and support everyone. One of the categories of diversity that we actively celebrates… Read More >

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Answering the Call to Connection

Young people are craving deep, real connections with people who see them as they are. This was the driver for Camp Fire National’s new mission statement, and also why we were so excited to discover this remarkable new report, “A Call… Read More >

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Absolutely Incredible Kid Day® is March 17th!

Last month on the blog, we talked about how our big why became really clear during the pandemic. Why does Camp Fire exist? Because growing up is hard. If you’re an adult reading this, you remember how it was. Now multiply that by… Read More >

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