Camp Fire Central Oregon | Light the Fire Within

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2020-2021 People & Impact Report | Camp Fire

WE ARE PROUD TO SHARE CAMP FIRE’S 2020-2021 PEOPLE & IMPACT REPORT!     This is one of our eight organizational core values. The purpose of our annual People & Impact report is to show you what that means in… Read More >

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Camp Fire’s National Youth Advisory Cabinet Stands With Trans* Youth

  As Camp Fire’s National YAC we want to say to the LGBTQ2S+ youth of Texas and Florida – young person to young person – you are magic. We stand in solidarity with you and your families and will do… Read More >

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New Year, New Vision

The New Year gives us an excuse to stay up late, dance a little, and eat a lot. It also invites us to imagine what the future could hold. In the face of so many challenges—from the ongoing pandemic to… Read More >

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Developmental Relationships—are we cultivating them?

Developmental Relationships—connections that help us learn, grow, give back and become our best selves—are fundamental to a thriving life. Research shows that young people who have strong developmental relationships are more engaged at school, have higher social-emotional learning skills and are less… Read More >

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Almost 25 million kids are waiting to get into an afterschool program

Talk about a gap! In early 2020, there were 7.8 million young people in afterschool programs—and 24.6 million more who would be if a spot was available. (1) But this is pre-pandemic data; the demand for quality afterschool programming has only grown since… Read More >

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Staff Spotlight: Sara Ward

Meet our newest team member: Sara Ward! Sara joined our staff this month as the Program Manager for Camp Fire Afterschool. Sara comes to us after working at other youth-serving organizations around Bend and with a wealth of knowledge on… Read More >

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How Camp Fire Staff Build Youth-Driven Programs

Camp Fire is both for young people and created by young people. This isn’t just aspirational: Our commitment to youth voice is carried out in very practical ways by thousands of Camp Fire staff at the program level. Here are a few ways that Camp Fire… Read More >

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Alumni Timeline

What a history! Camp Fire has been around since 1910, which means our young people have been a part of and making American history for the past 111 years. Check out this timeline of Camp Fire moments throughout history:     … Read More >

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Staff Spotlight: Zafiro Dell’Acqua

Meet our newest team member: Zafiro Dell’Acqua! Zafiro joined our staff this summer as the Assistant Director for SummerKids and will take over as Director at the end of this season. Zafiro has a background in both traditional education and… Read More >

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