Camp Fire Central Oregon | Light the Fire Within

Leadership & News Archive

New decade, new #CampFireJourney

In 2019, Camp Fire held a series of focus groups with a diverse range of councils to dive into what experiences they were providing and what impact their programs were making. With the help of Algorhythm, an expert in youth development program evaluation, we explored… Read More >

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Meet Our Amazing Staff – Sarah Williver

For our fall spotlight, we want to recognize one of our newer staff members who is revitalizing and expanding our STE(a)M programs: Sarah Williver. As STE(a)M Program Manager, Sarah directs our Robotics offerings, including First LEGO League teams, and intro… Read More >

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Meet Our Amazing Staff – Melanie Feltmate

For our spring spotlight, we want to recognize a super-enthusiastic, awesome staff member who is building some new and exciting programs for our older kids this year: Melanie! As a Teen Program Manager, Melanie directs our Teen Connects program, our… Read More >

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Promise to Practice

Back in November, three of our staff members joined up with members from Camp Fire councils nationwide at the Promise to Practice Roadshow held in Ft. Worth, Texas. The workshop focused on groundbreaking research being conducted by the Search Institute… Read More >

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Meet Our Amazing Staff – Cece Valceschini

For our winter spotlight, we want to shine a light on an amazing staff member who has served Camp Fire for over 30 years: Cece. For many in our community, when they think “Camp Fire,” they think “Cece!” Cece directs… Read More >

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A Letter from the Executive Director

One of the great pieces in our Fall Newsletter was this letter from our Executive Director, Kecia Kubota. Read on in case you missed it…and be sure to sign up to receive our quarterly newsletters here! I hope everyone in… Read More >

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Meet Our Amazing Staff – Lily Grbavach

Staff Profile: Lily Grbavach   In honor of our upcoming No School Day Camps, we wanted to shine a spotlight on one of our amazing Camp Directors: Lily. Dedicated to education and her community, Lily is one of our enthusiastic program manager… Read More >

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