Camp Fire Central Oregon | Light the Fire Within

Inclusion & Diversity Archive

Letter from Camp Fire National’s CEO Greg Zweber: Reflecting on 2020, Hope for 2021

Here in Central Oregon, we’re proud to be part of the larger national Camp Fire organization which is continually evolving to best serve kids across the country. The letter below from national CEO Greg Zweber highlights the many ways all… Read More >

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Engage Your Family: Talking Race, Racism, & Anti-Racism With Youth K-12

ARTIST NIKKOLAS SMITH VIA INSTAGRAM We know you agree: young people are amazing. We believe they shape the world (no matter their age) and it’s our job to be with them on a journey to self-discovery and lift their voice.… Read More >

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Inclusive Since 1910

CAMP FIRE STATEMENT OF INCLUSION One of the things that makes Camp Fire stand out among other organizations for youth is its long history of inclusion and diversity leadership. Camp Fire was founded to give kids who were being marginalized—girls—opportunities no one… Read More >

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Combat Bullying: It’s National Bullying Prevention Month

CAMP FLETCHER The numbers are telling: more than one in five students say they’ve been bullied at school. Thanks to higher awareness and effective anti-bullying programs, bullying prevalence rates have been dropping over the past several years, but we still have a long way… Read More >

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8 Ways to Encourage Youth Inclusivity and Diversity

Want to help the kids in your life embrace diversity and learn to welcome everyone? True inclusion is a lifelong process. Here’s how to get started. 1. Investigate your own biases and privileges. Getting acquainted with our personal blind spots is the first… Read More >

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