Camp Fire Central Oregon | Light the Fire Within

Inclusion & Diversity Archive

Building on Our STEM Foundations

Have you ever had the experience of being fully in the moment … and only later realizing how well that presence set you up for the future? Maybe you got so in the flow of doing something you love that… Read More >

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Media Release: Camp Fire Central Oregon Expands Environmental Program to Sisters Middle School Youth

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 24, 2023 CAMP FIRE CENTRAL OREGON EXPANDS ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM TO SISTERS MIDDLE SCHOOL ‘ExplOregon: Project Good Earth’ will boost accessibility to nature-based enrichment while giving kids a chance to connect to the outdoors, each other, and… Read More >

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But What Does Belonging Feel Like?

Creating belonging is a moral good, sure, but sometimes we need to take a second to remember just how good belonging feels. When have you experienced the power of belonging? We talk a lot about belonging at Camp Fire. It’s… Read More >

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Nature and the Well-Being of Youth

Earth Day falls every year on April 22. Founded in 1970, the original Earth Day is seen by many as the launch of the modern-day environmental movement. Its early focus was on pollution and its damaging impact on public health,… Read More >

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BottleDrop® Give Boosts Camp Scholarship Funds

BottleDrop Give supports our camp scholarship fund

Nonprofit partnership + fundraising campaign raises vital dollars, boosting kids ability to attend camps and thrive Every day, it feels like we are inundated with the stark headlines around how the environment is at risk, relationships are at risk, and… Read More >

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Growing Up is Hard – But You Can Make it Less Lonely

  You can’t be a growing human without experiencing some amount of pain, discomfort and suffering. But the past few years have introduced new challenges to being a kid: Pandemic isolation, climate fears, political instability, and constant availability of tech… Read More >

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Making our website accessible for all

Great news: Camp Fire National’s website gets a much-needed refresh this month (it will launch mid-Feb, stay tuned)! They haven’t done a major overhaul of our digital home since 2017. But in keeping with its value of inclusion, they wanted… Read More >

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Getting focused: Our goals for 2023-2025

Well, hello, 2023! What do you have in store for us? Our new strategic plan has some (very exciting) spoilers. We opened 2022 with a new vision for Camp Fire: We envision a world where all young people thrive and… Read More >

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Help the Friendship Fund Open up Outdoor Experiences to All

We know that camp and outdoor programs help young people connect to the environment and each other. These life-changing experiences have long-term benefits: strong developmental relationships with safe adults; a chance to explore new interests and skills; mental health supports;… Read More >

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