Teen Connects Group Trots Over to Healing Reins to Support Nonprofit's Holiday Celebration

Teens pose with Santa and a healing horse.

Teens from the first "Season of Service" volunteer event pose with Santa and a Healing Reins horse.

Last Saturday was giddy-up-and-go time for Teens Connect’s annual Season of Service, a spirited series of community volunteer events Camp Fire Central Oregon is offering to teens throughout December and winter break. Kicking off the first of six service opportunities, teens galloped into action as cheery wavers at Healing Reins Equine Assisted Services’ Holiday Drive-Through Event.

The frigid winter morning began with a small but mighty crew of volunteers meeting inside Camp Fire Central Oregon’s office. With markers flying and laughter echoing, they crafted colorful holiday welcome signs bursting with festive cheer. Then, they loaded up in “Sparky” the trusty van and set off for Healing Reins’ farm and facility near Tumalo, where their service mission awaited: greeting every carload of visitors with joy, warmth, and a holiday-sized smile.

Teens wave to Healing Reins friends and fans at the holiday event drive-through.

Teens wave to Healing Reins friends and fans at the holiday event drive-through.

Once on-site, teens took their places along the drive-through route, merrily waving signs and welcoming guests to meet the festive herd—horses decked out in seasonal splendor. Between carloads of Healing Reins friends and fans, the teens soaked up the magic of the farm. They offered gentle pats and kind words to the animals, including a special connection with one very popular, very hungry horse: Ike. Standing contentedly nearby with a mouthful of hay, Ike gave the young volunteers an up-close moment of bonding as his handler shared facts and stories. Armed with new talking points, the teens eagerly shared tidbits about Ike with delighted visitors.

Two teens pose with "Ike" the horse.

Natalie Fretz and Leda South (left to right) connect with "Ike," who munches away on hay during the holiday event.

“I feel really good because I’m helping and bringing joy,” said Natalie Fretz, one of the Teen Connects participants.

For the teens, the event was more than just another holiday event. It was a heartwarming pause to reflect on the soothing presence of the horses and Healing Reins’ tranquil setting.

Natalie shared how the animals serve as natural teachers during the busy season: “It’s great for everyone to just be out in nature—teens or adults—because it helps you connect with nature and slow down during the holiday season.” She added, “They pay attention to everything around them… even if you don’t know them well, you’re still going to take care of them and be kind to them.”

As the sun began to set on this frosty farm afternoon, the teens wrapped up their volunteer shift with well-earned cups of hot chocolate and a festive photo with Santa—just a couple of several activities offered to visitors during Healing Reins’ holiday fundraiser and animal showcase.

Did the event make an impact? Absolutely! Carloads of smiling families rolled through all day, spreading cheer in every direction. And the giving spirit didn’t stop there. Leda South, another Teen Connects volunteer and seasoned Camp Fire participant, reflected on the importance of stepping up to serve:

“I think it’s really amazing people are taking time out of their day to do this,” Leda said. “If you can take time out of your day to help others out, I think you should.”

Thanks to the teens’ enthusiasm and the healing magic of the horses, this holiday service event was not only a success but a celebration of connection, kindness, and community—a truly merry way to kick off the Season of Service!

Adult smiling with two teens and a Healing Reins horse.

Logan Betts, Teen Program Manager, poses next to two teens and one of the "mane" events—a healing horse participating at Healing Reins' holiday celebration.

What’s more, when the 2024 Camp Fire year wraps up, it’s worth noting that 141 unique teens will have participated in teen-specific service and leadership programs, volunteering a total of  44 incredible days this year. From serving as junior counselors to Counselors in Training, as SKY Leaders, through Teen Challenges, and then our free Teen Connects events, their commitment and caring have made our world a better place!

Want to join the fun and help make a difference in your community? It’s not too late to sign up for this year’s Season of Service, plus additional Teen Connects events taking place just after the new year. Get more information and register here!

Ike, a healing horse, stays focused on lunch while Teen Connects volunteers share holiday smiles!