Camp Fire Central Oregon | Light the Fire Within

Thriveology Archive

Be a Spark Champion

It’s not enough to just know your spark. You have to grow it! And that’s where spark champions come in. CAMP FIRE ALABAMA Spark Champions are adults who help young people develop the interests, skills, commitments or qualities that give lives purpose… Read More >

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[INFOGRAPHIC] 16 Reasons Sparks are Awesome—Science Says!

We know that Sparks are talents, interests, commitments and qualities that give kids—and adults—energy and purpose. We also know that it’s important to talk to kids about their Sparks and support them in their passions. But why? Why is it so important? Why… Read More >

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Find Your Spark in 2019!

There’s a whole lot of resolving going on right now! The new year is a natural time to restart, refocus and return to the things you’re passionate about. At Camp Fire we call those sparks. Everybody has sparks: the talents, interests, commitments… Read More >

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Camp Fire & the Positive Youth Development Movement

If you’ve been around Camp Fire at all, you’ve probably heard the term Positive Youth Development (PYD). Good ol’ context clues can tell you that this movement is about helping young people grow up happy, healthy and engaged, but here’s the… Read More >

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10 Reasons Camp Fire Stands Out From the Crowd

We want to tell you why Camp Fire Central Oregon is different, and what makes us an innovative leader in youth development: Camp Fire is about what kids and teens can do right NOW. Lots of youth organizations help prep… Read More >

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Growth Mindset: Your Key to Thriving

TEENS EMBODY A GROWTH MINDSET ON THE HIGH ROPES COURSE AT CAMP FIRE COLUMBIA’S CAMP NAMANU, OUTSIDE OF PORTLAND, OREGON, IN AUGUST 2017 Do you believe people can change? Do you think we can grow? Do you consider things like… Read More >

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Sparks help kids thrive!

If you’ve been around Camp Fire for half a minute, you’ve heard about sparks. And you know we’re not just talking about fire-building skills. We’re talking about life-building passions that put kids on the path to truly thriving. Sparks are talents, interests, commitments… Read More >

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