#EmblemDrop2022: It’s here!
We at Camp Fire are very excited to share our first awards and recognition emblem redesign: 125 emblems. 3 years of collaborative, youth-led work. 100 years in the making. 0 cultural appropriation. Thousands of great memories to come.
For the very first time, these emblems will be available as stickers, not just patches. Camp Fire members told us they wanted more ways to display their achievements. These high-quality emblem stickers can be placed on journals, phone cases, water bottles and more—anywhere Camp Fire members want to show their Camp Fire pride!
Another notable change: These emblems can also be earned outside of the traditional club “trail system.” Camp Fire’s programming has expanded over the years to include after school and other programs that may involve young people for shorter periods of time. We want to be able to recognize the achievements of all Camp Fire participants, no matter how long they are growing and learning with us. Clubs can continue to use the trail system; shorter programs can use an a la carte method. There are more details for councils in our official Emblem Guide, but the upshot is this: More recognition for more kids!
As in the past, these emblems are only available to verified Camp Fire council purchasers through Riverbend Camp Fire Store. We will continue to preserve the meaning of these emblems as something that can only be earned, not bought. Councils will have access to the full guide with award descriptions, aligned activities and recommended recipients.
Camp Fire Central Oregon is working on a great strategy to incorporate the new emblems into our programming. Stay tuned!!!