These homemade cards for firefighters were created by Camp Fire Central Oregon campers in August 2024.

There’s no doubt that fighting wildland fires is one of the toughest jobs around. With so many fires raging throughout Oregon this summer, the risk for those on the frontlines has been real, but not overlooked by many folks, including kids at Camp Fire Central Oregon. In a gesture of gratitude, dozens of campers from several Camp Fire Central Oregon programs recently tapped into their creative talents, making homemade thank-you cards for firefighters.

Teen holding thank-you card

A teen program participant shares his message for a firefighter.

In early August, campers attending SummerKids, Ecology Engineers and the Teen Service Challenge programs made approximately 70 cards for these heroes, writing heartfelt messages inside each card. In addition, at a special event honoring Smokey Bear’s 80th birthday on Aug. 8 at the Cascade Lakes Welcome Station, a group of campers who’d been learning about local fire ecology with Discover Your Forest personally handed their cards to several firefighters, making a direct connection with those striving to protect Oregon forests and communities. The remainder of the cards were given to Jaimie Olle, the Deschutes National Forest's public affairs specialist, who made sure the firefighters received the cards.

Firefighters receiving cards.

Campers gift firefighters with cards at Smokey Bear's 80th Birthday Celebration in Bend.

“ A lot of the times we don’t see how we’re impacting the community,” said Keenan Simpson, a firefighter with the Bend Fort Rock District and who shared his appreciation for the card he received. “Seeing the kids so happy and thankful for us—it’s awesome!”

No two cards were the same; some were made by campers as young as six years old. But without a doubt, all the cards reflected how every kid felt “sparked” to think about the role firefighters have in our lives, why they matter in our world, and why thanking them is also important. In the words of five Ecology Engineer campers:

  • “The firefighters matter because they help protect our forests and so the fires don’t go to buildings to make structure fires.”
  • “They protect everyone near the fires, and the least we can do is give them cards.”
  • “It’s really important that we give them something back because of how much they do for us.”
  • “In my town, many times we’ve been completely surrounded by wildfires, and if it weren’t for firefighters, our town would probably have been burnt to the ground like 10 times over. Because they have saved my town many times, they deserve some respect.”
  • Every day they’re out there fighting a fire, so I think (the cards) make them feel wanted and needed.”

Camp Fire Central Oregon pays tribute to all those fighting fires, supporting firefighting efforts, and striving to save our precious resources and communities. We also know every citizen plays a role in minimizing wildfire risks. Given this, it never hurts to revisit wildfire prevention and safety tips. And who better than to learn from than Smokey Bear?

Smokey’s Five Rules of Prevention:

1. Only you can prevent wildfires.

2. Always be careful with fire.

3. Never play with matches or lighters.

4. Always watch your campfire.

5. Make sure your campfire is completely out before leaving it.

Want to learn more about Smokey Bear’s celebration and how Camp Fire Central Oregon campers engaged in fun and learning that day? Click here to see KTVZ News Channel 21’s story!

Camp Fire's Ecology Engineers pose with Smokey Bear before giving firefighters thank-you cards.