Camp Fire Central Oregon | Light the Fire Within

Ecology Engineers 2025 in Bend

Kids in the forest learning about wildfires.Where engineering meets ecology! Join Camp Central Oregon as we explore robotics and engineering through the lens of ecology in our community. Throughout a week of Ecology Engineers, this camp offers opportunities to dive deep into Central Oregon ecology through a combination of robotics challenges and local field trips. Join us for hands-on learning and fun adventures!


During this program, we'll get an introduction to robotics and get out and about in nature and explore the science behind fire ecology. Then we'll use our collective knowledge to overcome robotics challenges and learn about technology designed to help our ecosystems thrive during and after wildfires.


June 16-20

COST: $400. Scholarships and financial assistance available. Learn more about financial assistance.

Low cost options and financial assistance are available for all of our programs!

Camp Fire Central Oregon has a long history of providing financial assistance to families in need. We strive to make all of our programs available to as many youth as possible, regardless of the ability to pay.

We recommend applying for assistance far in advance of the programs you are interested in attending, as funds are limited. Programs are open to all and we do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, physical challenges, or sexual orientation.

We strive to make all of our programs available to as many youth as possible, regardless of the ability to pay.

Learn about and apply for Financial Assistance.

Because we schedule staff, invest in supplies, and plan for expenses based upon the number of youth we are expecting, we must adhere to our cancellation policies.

Most of our fee-based programs require a $10-25 non-refundable fee at registration (unless specifically noted in the program description).

More about cancellation policies.

Don't wait to register! High-quality youth programs are in high demand and Camp Fire programs are kept small to ensure a great adult:youth ratio and create the best learning experience possible. That means space is limited and many sessions sell out quickly. If the program is sold out, please add yourself to the waitlist.

Read about our registration policies, including making payments, our cancellation policy, and our refund policy.

Our Promise

Young people want to shape the world.

Camp Fire provides the opportunity to find their spark, lift their voice, and discover who they are.

In Camp Fire, it begins now.

Light the fire within